The times are liquid, and so is modernity, fear, love and all namable things. Not stable in its structure, A(in)Us or the iridescent cloud (of the deep web) is an assemblage of (metafictional) dialogical flows between seven characters.
These fictional conversations intertwine personal opinions and acknowledgement of what is not-yet-here to facilitate oneself’s understanding beyond categorisation and normativity. In an online encrypted chatroom of the deep web, a bad poet - pluri-headed-being-single-celled (Phi), a drug dealer (Baby T), a ‘depathologizer’ burning witch (Pam), a diva superstar (Gaya), a lonely individual (Gregory), a physicist yet philosopher (Karina) and an emotional being (Fwendy) meet. Isolated and without any physical contact, they hide from the oppressive bots of the system, speculating upon identity politics as they prepare an up-rising against the Nation-state. A(in)us, shaped in a kind-of-meta-liquid-conceptual-soap-opera-gag-of-a-score-script, appropriates and misplaces words of Judith Buttler, Karen Barad, Paul B. Preciado and Gayatri Spivak as a new net of knowledge. A(in)Us weaves subjectivity with poetics, speculation, philosophy and eco-feminism with a taste of queer resistance, to propose a new understanding of identity. Through the lens of ‘assemblage’, let’s think together for “one to cruise the fields of the visual and not so visual in an effort to see in the anticipatory illumination of the utopian.” (Muñoz 2009)