A READ*NG =F THE P~~L [5 SECS BEF=RE THE SPLASH] is a performative essay and proposed as a collaborative reading for five voices - for one to look at the pool as a space of potent reparation and regeneration.
In a “necessarily iterative, circling style of thought” (Morton 2013) A READ*NG =F THE P~~L [5 SECS BEF=RE THE SPLASH] looks at the pool, once a structured and oppressive space as a place to let go.
Because there is nowhere else to be than inside of it, we speculate upon meeting the unknown, one’s own desires. If one follows the impulse of trans*formation, one stretches the limits of the body in the liquid.
A READ*NG =F THE P~~L [5 SECS BEF=RE THE SPLASH] is an archipelago of familiar strangers: revisited autobiographical flows, intertwined with outbursts, critical analysis and speculation upon a more fluid future.