
The aim of this research is to understand the silence as a sensation, demonstrating how it can be lived in a self-portrait.

Based in the Book Francis Bacon - Logique de la Sensation, we tried to comprehend the meaning of sensation and how it reaches us. It is required the construction of a Body without Organs as a way of living that sensation and a manner of having it in our flesh, feeling it. Afterwards we created awareness of the vast influence of silence in an attempt to understand the specificity that would be our choice to work with – silence as a “nothing full of everything”, silence as an “increaser” and “transmitter”. Later was approached the subject of self-portrait to understand how the dialogue happens between creation and creator. Based on the idea of mirror and as a method of entrance in deleuzian’s chaos, we propose thee self-portrait as a need of thinking the concept of double – that one who is not more than the “virtual I”. The self-portrait should be recognized as a trace of the “virtual I” in the real surface. Finally we named one last example - the self-portrait without portrayed. The self-portrait is in that case a presence of the “non-present”, a silence felt as a way of opening the chaos to the spectator.