Genital Dystopia is our life, our routine, our drama.
Clustered in frames of normality and expectations,
becoming yourself risks to be only a fantasy. It is about
us, about me but also about you.
In the times of self-definition and individualism we could
predict that being an individual detached from others and
self-sufficient would be easy to achieve.
Our reality, although closer to open minded is nevertheless
full of taboos and cliches, expectations to fulfil. The aim
for originality and individuality is, in end, only possible
within the limits of our culture.
It is time to overcome this limits and explore new
behaviours, embracing playfulness and sarcasm to fight
the standard.
Genital Dystopia is an investigation about the co-relation
between pop culture and sexuality, redefining gender
but also an examination of the cliche. This piece aims
to explore the personal and the extraordinary without
The spectator witness the role-playing by the
objectification of the body brought through spatial
composition, in between improvisation of daily rituals and
over choreographed ritualistic routines. With a strong
visual component, sarcasm fulfils the space.