
Not smooth or grace-ful, is the result of a research concerning Trichophilia (hair fetishism) and the physicality related with it. This piece reveals shaded and parasite (private?) actions amplified and repeated until its limit, forcing the spectators to question the piece but also themselves.

In a full yellow, this space recall one of my childhood trauma - the first time I was bullied. In this charged space I confront this trauma to a sexualised ritual - my adulthood. Together with 13 performers drifting, during the all piece, between the fetishist and the object of affection. Obsession, desire and roleplay are shared with the audience in the room and in its public surroundings. Here sexuality and fetish have a strategic placement to explore and expose diversity: diversity in sexualities questioning gender and heteronormativity; diversity of behaviours to friction norms; diversity of interpretations to facilitate achieving content beyond representation.